Vietnam Trail Network



The Vietnam Trail Network is located in Milford, MA and has been around for quite some time but continues to offer old school freeride today. Many of the signature trails there include C4, Mind the Gap, Rubberstamp, and F16 for jumps, plus Giggidy and Three Ledges for rocks. When I rode here back in May, it became painfully obvious that I was off my game, and I really wish I could’ve hit some of the bigger jumps because I definitely missed out.


Vietnam is jam packed with features which is quite uncommon for the area. It seems like the jump lines each prepare you for the next step-up in difficulty, and there are also a few wicked steep rock faces. If you’re more into cross country, check out the massive slab underneath the power lines which makes for a very physical climbing challenge. Another benefit to Vietnam is that the runs are pretty short, allowing you to session and master each trail in the span of a day.


It seems like there are only two levels of difficulty at Vietnam: boring green trails and massive sketchy gap jumps. While many of the features on Rubberstamp are rollable, they come up way too fast and its very hard to get the speed needed to clear the jumps. I also noticed that the tech trails like Giggidy were basically flat and packed with sketchy rocks that weren’t fun at all. Also, the trail quality is not outstanding.

Rating: 5.5/10

I’m sure more advanced riders will have a blast here, but for the majority of people it just seems a bit too challenging. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve hit stuff just as big as the features at Vietnam, but when you add tight corners and steep lips into the mix, the trails become way more difficult. I’m not sure it’s even worth coming here since Pine Hills is an hour away and has just as many jump lines along with interesting wooden features. Despite this, Vietnam is extremely unique to the area and there are just too many features to take away tons of points from the rating.


Thunder Mountain Bike Park