Killington Bike Park

Photo: MTB Parks


Welcome to THE BEAST OF THE EAST!!! Killington Bike Park is absolutely massive and my personal favorite bike park on the east coast. There are two chairs plus one gondola open for bikes which isn’t something you see everyday. While many of the trails are made by Gravity Logic, the park has existed long before that and there are many old school trails on the upper mountain. There are 35 trails in total not including connecters which is why this place says it has less trails compared to a smaller park like Mountain Creek who claim to have 20 more trails.


There is so much variety at Killington, it will please even the pickiest of riders. From perfectly built jumplines like Blue Magic, Black Magic, Jump Start, Stinky, and Step it Up, to old school gnar like Yo Vinny and Foxy Roxy, to hybrid trails that have flow and gnar like Scarecrow, Steel Panther, and Cable trail, to massive rock faces like Funny Bone, and even a few big drops like you’ll find on Goat Skull and Gambler. Plus, because there are three lifts, the mountain spreads out the riders leading to short lift lines. And finally, despite being one of the most popular, if not the most popular bike park east of the rockies, there are almost no braking bumps!


One negative that stood out to me was that at the very top of the gondola, you waste tons of elevation on a fireroad bomb that could be used for more trails. Also, despite a few massive drops, there isn’t anything crazy hard here, and I think by next season I’ll have fully mastered everything in the park.

Rating (Bike Park Scale): 8.25

Killington truly is the Beast of the East and packs more of a punch than most bike parks in the world. The elevation, variety, and trail quality make this one of my favorite places to ride, and I think almost anyone else will say the same thing after paying Killington a visit.


Little River State Park


Kingdom Trails