Highbridge Park (NYC)


Highbridge Park or Fort George Hill is located in Harlem and is the only trail system on Manhattan. Highbridge has both a small network of Mountain Bike Trails and a dirt jump park that frequently gets modified. The builders have recently been adding new features including a mini downhill pump track, a drop off a seven-foot high cement wall into a hip jump, and a new dirt jump line with gradual lips that’s made for mountain bikes.


Compared to when I first rode there in 2015, Highbridge has put in a lot of maintenance into the trails. In 2015, there were spots on the trail that were invisible due to two-foot high piles of trash, and there were always a few heroin junkies to surprise you around each corner. But things are looking up for Highbridge. They’ve added a few new trails and features. The downhill pump track is filled with sideways rollers that make the perfect spot to learn how to whip. You can also connect the pump track into the wall drop which makes for a short, yet fun flowy descent. Recently, I bought some rakes and decided to clear off the old downhill course called Hellfighter that has some sketchy sections and a surprising amount of rock work. It seems that the locals have caught wind and are starting to ride the trail again for the first time in years.


Despite the clean up efforts of the trail crew, the park still has quite a lot of broken glass and unmaintained sections. Also, don’t make the same mistake as I did five years ago—by which I mean you should avoid this park if you’re a beginner. The final issue with this park is how small it is which means it gets boring after not a lot of time.

Rating: 3/10

Highbridge is still relatively disappointing and I hope that Manhattan’s only trails can step up their game since its an easy to-get-to option for those who live in the city.


Graham Hills


Cunningham Park (NYC)